The smile that came on her face after getting the first gift from my first salary.
If someone is really loyal then he doesn't even need second chance.
If love is true then it does not need to be explained.
Love is only a matter of imagination and it can not be limited.
Come close to me, take a seat, listen carefully. My heartbeat is chanting your name repeatedly.
A broken vessel can't hold water.Similarly a relationship with no significant trust can't hold love.
If I am the rainbow, you are it's colors. If I am the night you are it's stars. If I am the heart you are its beat.
Your love for me is like a candle's wick. Just like a candle can't be lit without it, so can't I.
The only thing in this entire world which works non stop is heart. Keep it happy and safe be it yours or others.
Love can be expressed any where and any time but be safe and secured.
Love is a sacred bond, but some people defame it.
Love can be find in anyone, your eye should just want to have love for that.
A heart get a lot of wounds while loving still it needs only love to get repaired too.
Pure,unconditional love is a divine,ethereal modality,nothing else but a holy heart can yield it only.
When ever I think of you, I am more sure of us being together.
Falling in love is never in someone's hand, it just happens without our consent.
Love is eternal when it's two bodies but a single soul.
If she loves you, trusts you and finds comfort with you, she will be frenzy, sassy, moody and insane.
Let your love sing the song of togetherness when cords get entangle and sounds unpleasant.
I didn't say anything but my eyes utter utterly in front of him - he is the king of my heart Kingdom.
If love failed, then its not love that failed only you failed due to choosing a wrong person.