Restrain from the things which are beyond your control.
You can only control yourself not others.
Having materialistic desires is totally fine but doing anything just for them is the wrong decision ever.
Your single act can make someone doubtful about you.
You can comfort yourself with lies but it will remain lie always even if you think it is correct.
Losing patience on smallest things may lead to loose the person.
You should let go all the worries because until they stay it makes you only suffer.
Worries cover the ideas which can come in our mind for future goals.
Worries will only divert your mind grom your goals.
Fight is only resolved if the root cause is resolved otherwise it is just delayed to next fight.
Don't control your life, it will never go in your way.
Choose the way that is right for you not for the world.
Going through a different route won't make you lost.
Your wrong work not only harm you but also harm the people who belongs to you
Having enemies don't always means that you are a bad person.
I won't lift you when you will fall because you must stand up with all your strength as there is no one in the world who will help you.
Yes, gratefulness is a trait of a great person, not the hatred my dear.
Wrong intention and wrong character always lead to something criminal.
Sticking to the same situation for a long time make you away from the real situations.
If your absence matters for someone then only your presence is appreciated.
May be is the indirect way of saying no.