The longer the ladder, the higher you climb.
Sometimes you need to move apart in order to get along.
Just because your family pampers you it doesn't mean the world will also behave with you in the same manner.
We can hurt only those whom we love not the one whom we don't love.
Maturity comes with experiences of life, not with the age.
Envy is the poison people consume and spread happily.
Keeping patience is learning that things will happen, not when we want but when they are meant to happen.
It's good to compromise. But not at the stake of your self respect. Self respect dies only with your death.
Everything is an outcome of one of the two, choices and rejections.
When leaves loose their lustre they shed. Similarly when pain grows, tears shed.
Sharing brings relief of togetherness.
Dive deep inside yourself to understand yourself deeply.
The one who craves for knowledge will fulfill the thirst anyhow.
You can forbid them from harming you, only when you are firm in your stance.
Judge unconditionally only when you are perfect of all. Unfortunately, perfection is illusion.
Your angels will rescue you from the devil. Keep the faith and hope high.
There is difference between attention and care. Attention is grabbed forcefully, but care is natural.
Attention and care are two different words often intermingled. Attention is grabbed, but care is natural.
Today is the time. Do it now. Future is unseen.
Celebrate each day, as every morning brings new rays of sunshine.
Train your mind and guide your heart.