Attitude Whatsapp Status

I don’t care what people think or say about me, because my attitude is positive.
I do not lose my temper even in worst conditions. That is my attitude.
Do not lose your attitude to be strong, because it is a good sign of your personality.
Being happy in every situation is my attitude.
You must have attitude, but you must be down to earth.
By your attitude you can make worst or best of something.
We keep on blaming our luck for failures, But forget about our own shortfalls in career!
Bring out the SOLUTIONS, not your COMPLAINTS...
My Colour may be same, my Weight may be same, my size be same.... But my CHARACTER is different....
One slap in time to child saves ten slaps in future And brings him on wright path in life.
Keep your ATTITUDE with you... because I have a lot ...
Simple is my selection.... Being Royal is my ambition....
I'm the only example for ATTITUDE.... so don't show in front of me....
I am not your puppet at all.....i can take my own decision by myself....
Helping nature to each other and needy persons who come across in life give a lot of peace to our mind.
I am a person with a fair complexion yet a swarm of flairs as well !
I am the reason of my own weakness_you don't need to give me any suggestion about what to do.
I am the girl who live for self respect not for food and dresses.........
Dear problems of my life you cannot steal my smile.....
Don't try to fool people by your tricky words, it may end in damaging your own image.
Jindagi jeeneke liye SHWAS(SAANS) jaruri hai, Aur jindagime naam kamaneke liye ATMAWISHWAS Jaruri hai.