You are my present, my future and so my destiny.
Fly but never forget to walk. Your wings can shed and cease to support, making you fall with nothing beneath.
Your destiny will take you to the destined. But it's route has to be walked by you.
Hit fear in the butt. Head up towards the sky.
Trust my story when it's words are from me. Not from others. For they will tell my dark side, probably not the bright one.
Happy souls make you lead a cherished life.
Your feelings are probably for wrong person at wrong time but your feelings can never be wrong they are always true.
Don't curse the feelings you get for a person because it comes from a pure heart.
Smiling over someone's happiness make you feel your humanity.
Your reflection doesn't look like a materialistic personality that's what make you different from others.
Investment for rewards is done by everyone, but do it for social cause too.
Don't just invest to get reward, invest also to see the things growing in which you are investing.
Even your feelings are confused so how can you give me the surety over our relationship.
Sometimes being weird is fun. Feel no constraints and let yourself loose out.
If you are honest don't tolerate liars at all.
Learn to identify those you need to value and then the one's who deserve ignorance.
The wrong man will find reasons to leave. The right man will always find enough reasons to hold on to you tight.
To achieve greatness you need not ask for permission.
My love and intellect keeps me holding you, not the tempt of physical attraction.
Don't let false attitude shape your personality.
It takes few seconds for change to step in. When your win seems to be far, it might be near the next moment. Just don't quit.